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15 Books That Will Get You From $0 to $1 MILLION

4.75M subscribers

Wanna be a millionaire? These are the books that will get you there!
ALUX Book Club:

00:00 Intro
00:40 The Almanack of Naval Ravikant
01:12 The Richest Man in Babylon
01:44 The $100 Start-Up
02:17 Losing My Virginity
02:46 Millionaire Fastlane
03:20 Rich Dad Poor Dad
03:54 The 10X Rule
04:44 4 Hour Work Week
05:17 How to Win Friends and Influence People
05:45 The Total Money Makeover
06:13 Atomic Habits
07:15 The E-Myth Revisited
07:46 The Lean Start-Up
08:16 The Hard Thing About Hard Things
08:53 Money Master the Game
09:37 Question

Here’s the full list of books:
The Almanak of Naval Ravikant
The Richest Man in Babylon
The $100 Start-Up
Losing My Virginity
Millionaire Fastlane
Rich Dad Poor Dad
The 10X Rule
The 4 Hour Work Week
The Total Money Makeover
Atomic Habits
The E-Myth Revisited
The Lean Start-Up
The Hard Thing About Hard Things
Money Master the Game

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In this video we will be answering the following questions:
What books can make you a millionaire?
What are the best books to take you from $0 to $1 Million?
What are the must-read books if you want to be a millionaire?

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