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The Value Revolution

TEDx Talks
42.4M subscribers

How digital currencies are our future and the power of this new movement.

Galia Benartzi is an entrepreneur and community builder from California and Israel. She studied Comparative Literature at Dartmouth College and International Relations & Economics at SAIS Johns Hopkins.
In 2005, Galia co-Founded Mytopia, the first social gaming company for smartphones, and in 2010, Particle Code, a cross-platform development technology for mobile applications.
In 2013, Galia moved from Silicon Valley to Tel Aviv to support and invest in Israeli technology as a Venture Partner at Founders Fund.
Recently she has co-launched numerous local currency pilots to model, build and test software for community marketplace networks.

Galia is a founding member of Powder Mountain, permanent home of the Summit community in Eden, Utah, and a creator of Eden2Zion Reality trips by the Schusterman Foundation. She is passionate about decentralized technologies, women’s empowerment, consciousness, natural wellness and plants.
