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Why the Debt Ceiling Is Mathematically IMPOSSIBLE

803K subscribers
“Politicians and pundits alike talk about balancing the budget, paying down the debt and living within our means. They don’t understand that that is deflationary, it is impossible to do under our current monetary system without collapsing the whole economy” - Mike Maloney ----------------------------------------------------------------- GoldSilver is one of the most trusted names in precious metals. Since 2005, we’ve provided investors with both education and world-class bullion dealer services. We offer a wide selection of bullion products, private vault storage, global shipping, and easy payment choices. Buy Precious Metals at: Get Free content from Mike's new book here: Subscribe to our channel: Follow Mike on Twitter: Follow us on Facebook: Check out our sister channel Wealthion @Wealthion with Adam Taggart featuring regular guests such as Jim Rickards, Rick Rule, Stephanie Pomboy, Lance Roberts, John Hathaway, Alisdair McLeod, Simon Hunt, John Rubino, Jim Rogers, Marc Faber and more. As always, thank you for your support. M.
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