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Cryptocurrency Explained: All the ships are sinking

332K subscribers

In this talk, Andreas follows up on “Currency Wars” a talk he gave in 2016. A lot has changed but mostly in a worse direction than before. Currencies are at war with each other, BitcoinBitcoin1$ 63,785.320.18%-6.01%-15.89%details and cryptocurrencies are getting banned, maligned and dismissed even as they enjoy new highs in value.

New distractions like Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and corporate currencies (Libra/Diem) are trying to distract further from the simple truth: National currencies are sinking under a deluge of debt and even those at the top are beginning to get worried. Learn how to prepare your evacuation plan and help others too.

0:00 Introduction
1:37 The ship is sinking
2:20 Bitcoin then and now
3:17 Lifeboats are dangerous
7:23 A lot of the people who are heading for the lifeboats have no idea what’s going on
8:10 We are never in this together
14:14 The lower- and upper-class
19:00 When the ship sinks, anything that floats is a lifeboat
20:48 The great orange cruise ship lifeboat
25:44 They are trying to prohibit you from getting in to the lifeboat
27:32 What do you need to do?
32:46 Conclusion and upcoming events

All of Andreas’ talks are unscripted, engaging truth-bombs that help us to see, understand, and explain crypto in a new way. Talks like these are part of what has made Andreas the go-to person for cryptocurrency and open blockchain A blockchain is a digital ledger of transactions that works from a decentralized network. A blockchain is a digital ledger of transactions that works from a decentralized network.Learn more education. Cryptocurrency explained in simple, relatable terms, with no corporate agenda, is one of the things Andreas is known for.

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